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Yoshinobu Miyake @ Lift Up Hall of Fame

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Yoshinobu Miyake




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YOSHINOBU MIYAKE: Career Highlights

Olympic Medals and Results 

Year Weight Rank Results (kg)
1960 Bantamweight 2 97.5+105 + 135 = 337.5
1964 Featherweight 1 122.5+122.5 + 152.5 = 397.5
1968 Featherweight 1 122.5+117.5 + 152.5 = 392.5
1972 Featherweight 4 120+120 + 145 = 385

World Championships: Medals and Results 

Year Weight Rank Results (kg)
1961 Bantamweight 3 100+107.5+130= 337.5
1962 Bantamweight 1 105+107.5+140= 352.5
1963 Featherweight 1 110+117.5+147.5= 375
1964 Featherweight 1 122.5+122.5+152.5= 397.5
1965 Featherweight 1 115+120+150= 385
1966 Featherweight 1 110+125+152.5= 387.5
1968 Featherweight 1 122.5+117.5+152.5= 392.5
1972 Featherweight 4 120+120+145= 385

Asian Games: Medals and Results

Year Weight Rank Results (kg)
1966 Featherweight 1

World Records Counter: 23 records

Press Snatch Jerk Total2 Total3
0 10 1 1 11

World Records by Yoshinobu Miyake

Date Lift Type Result Weight Class Location
  Note: * Unofficial world records
10/27/1959 Snatch  107.5  Bantamweight  Tokyo
9/2/1961 Total (3)  347.5  Bantamweight  Tokyo
7/13/1962 Snatch  115  Featherweight  Tokyo
9/16/1962 Total (3)  352.5  Bantamweight  Budapest
9/24/1962 Snatch  117.5  Featherweight  Kosice
9/30/1962 Snatch  118.5  Featherweight  Warszawa
10/24/1962 Total (3)  375  Featherweight  Okajama
10/30/1963 Snatch  120  Featherweight  Yamaguchi
10/30/1963 Total (3)  377.5  Featherweight  Yamaguchi
5/4/1964 Total (3)  380  Featherweight  Nagasaki
6/9/1964 Snatch  120.5  Featherweight  Niigata
6/9/1964 Total (3)  385  Featherweight  Niigate
8/15/1964 Snatch  123  Featherweight  Esashi
8/15/1964 Total (3)  387.5  Featherweight  Esashi
10/12/1964 Total (3)  390  Featherweight  Tokyo
10/12/1964 Total (3)  395  Featherweight  Tokyo
10/12/1964 Total (3)  397.5  Featherweight  Tokyo
11/9/1965 Snatch  123.5  Featherweight  Bohumin
10/24/1967 Snatch  125  Featherweight  Saitama
1969 Total (2)    Featherweight  Matsuura
10/20/1969 Clean and Jerk  153  Featherweight  Nagasaki
10/28/1969 Snatch  125.5  Featherweight  Matsuura
10/28/1969 Total (3)  400  Featherweight  Matsuura(Nagasaki)
1960* Total (3)    Bantamweight  Tokyo
1961* Snatch  114.5  Featherweight  Nagasaki
1964* Snatch  122.5  Featherweight  Tokyo
1966* Snatch    Featherweight  Ohita



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