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Lift Up Blog Articles in 2022

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Lift Up Blog Articles in 2022

This section of the site presents selected articles, interviews, presentations and research studies related to various aspects Olympic Weightlifting.

Young Vaclav Psenicka Jr: Weightlifting Promise of Czechoslovakia, Bonne année 2023 à la Charles Rigoulot!, Where Were You on December 19, 1982?, Mihaly Huszka (1933-2022), Karl Swoboda (Austria): Strong in the 1900s, Featherweight Legend Isaac Berger at the World Championships in Warsaw (1959), Adam Saydullaev (1956-2022), William "Bill" March (1937-2022), Pavel Pervushin (1947-2022), Yury Zaitsev (1951-2022), Rafael Chimishkyan (1929-2022), Nikolay Varava in Braunau, Germany, Team Great Britain: Royally Strong Before the 1960 Summer Olympics in Rome, Rudolf Plyukfelder is 95!, Doug Hepburn: Be Strong. Be Canadian!, Go Canada! Happy Heavenly 95th Birthday to Gerry Gratton!, Joe Pitman (USA): Gold Medal in Paris (1950), Rudolf Plyukfelder: Gold Medal at the 1961 World Championships in Vienna, Serge Reding (Belgium) at the 1965 Prize of Moscow International, World Champion and Records Holder Sergey Arakelov is 65, Mr. Little Giant of the Flyweight, U.S. Weightlifting Team at the 1964 Summer Olympics, Sebastiano Mannironi (Italy): Grandi Classici del Sollevamento Pesi, Split Style Mesmerizer: Snatch Lift by Norbert Schemansky, Beach Day in China, Leonid Taranenko: Super Heavyweight Debut in Katowice, Isaac "Ike" Berger (1936-2022), Ups and Downs of the Dinamo Riga Weightlifters in Vilnius (1970), Leif Nilsson (Sweden): National Record in Snatch (1977), Rolf Maier: 1960 France vs. Poland Meet in Paris, Lennart "Hoa-Hoa" Dahlgren is 70, One-Hand Lifting By Legendary El Sayed Nosseir of Egypt, Plamen Asparukhov: CKDA Championships in East Germany, Plamen Asparukhov: CDKA Championships in East Germany, Mladen Kuchev: 1975 World and European Championships, Olympic Champion Ota Zaremba is 65, Ibrahim Shams: Split Style Magic in the Air (Milan, 1951), Rudolf Plyukfelder: World Record in Ufa (1961), Jan Lostowski (Poland) Sets a World Record in Berlin, Valentin Khristov: Four World Records Night in Moscow (1975), Vladimir Marchuk: Smiling Super Heavyweight Champion in Donetsk, Weightlifting Americana: U.S. Champions in the Training Hall (Paris, 1950), Gerry Gratton of Canada in Cardiff, Wales (1958), Kyiv Strong: Yakov Kutsenko, Kyiv Strong: Vladimir Belyaev, Kyiv Strong: Valery Kuznichenko, Kyiv Strong: Anatoly Pisarenko, Kyiv Strong: Nikolay Laputin Kyiv Strong: Alexander Donskoy, Kyiv Strong: Grigory Novak, David Rigert is 75, Tony Terlazzo (USA) Wins Gold at the Last World Championships Before the War, Happy Birthday to Joe Dube (USA)!, Victor Sots at the USSR Spartakiade (1983), Oscar Chaplin III, USA (1980-2022), Olympic champion Israil Arsamakov is 60, Czech Super Heavyweight Champion Petr Pavlasek is 75, Referee Sergey Artamonov is 85, Erkin Karimov (Uzbekistan, USSR): Happy 80th Birthday! Eugene Katsura: 1963 Prize of Moscow, 60 Years Ago: Weightlifting Legends Zhabotinsky and Stogov in Training, Viktor Mazin (1954-2022), Going for the World Records in Press in 1968, Part 3: Kaarlo Kangasniemi (Finland), Going for the World Records in Press in 1968, Part 2: Karl Pumpurins (Latvia, USSR), Going for the World Records in Press in 1968, Part 1: Bo Johansson (Sweden), Lift Up: In Memoriam (2021), and more at LiftUp @ Chidlovski Blog Chidlovski

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