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In Memoriam @ Lift Up

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Olympic Weigthlifting: In Memoriam

This section of the site is dedicated to the memory of legendary lifters, coaches and personalities who are no longer with us.

Most definitely, the records they broke, lifting results they showed in the competitions, memories of moments of glory and triumph will outlive the physical boundaries of their lives.

The information can be generated via the search form below by selecting the following criteria:

In order to see the details of the lifter's career, please follow the link associated with the name of the athlete in the search results. The displayed information is based on the data in the Lift Up database.

Please contact Lift Up if you find that the information has been ommited or incorrect.



In Memoriam: By Year
In Memoriam: By Nation
In Memoriam
Sulev TARROS, Soviet Union
1956 - 2023
Jaroslav RUTTER, Czechoslovakia
1957 - 2023
Adam GNATOV, Soviet Union
1944 - 2023
Ivan PANAIDOV, Soviet Union
1959 - 2023
Vladimir SEDOV, Kazakhstan
1988 - 2023
Benjamin HELFGOTT , Great Britain
1929 - 2023
Zbigniew KACZMAREK, Poland
1946 - 2023
Aindi TOVSULTANOV, Soviet Union
1960 - 2023
Rolf MAIER, France
1936 - 2023
Dusan MIRKOVIC, Yugoslavia
1953 - 2023
Lee JAMES, United States
1953 - 2023
Stefan JACOBSSON, Sweden
1947 - 2023
Petr PAVLASEK, Czechoslovakia
1947 - 2023

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