:: 11/14/2022: Alan Holvey, Boulder Co, USA II onlymet Tony once, probably in 1961 or 62. I was a young liftr at the time and Tony was actually running a west coast braanch of York Babell at this time. Looking t it rom hindsight I later felt very sory for him. York was later infamous for treating its rmp;oyees very poorly. At this time there were few sals of Olympic bars and weights and they ent Tony out to Southern California towell tje sles were few and far between. I guess he was not doing too well financially at this time in his life but York treated hin like crap. It seems as if he might have died with a broken heart. They treaed John Grimek the same. After Bob Hoffman died they ceased their magazine publishing and left John out in the cold-he ws always promised a reward by Hoffman, but Terpak left him nothing.
:: 6/5/2022: Alan Holvey, Boulder Co, USA I only met Tony once briefly in either 1961 or 1962. Tony was running a s,all Los Angeles branch of York Batbell at the time. I was just a young beginning lifter at the time. I believe it was on Cypress Blvd. Lookimg back it was probably a miserable fate for Tony. Trmrmber this was the very early 1960's before Dianbol and the great lifting days to come. There was little market for selling Olympic liftin gear back then. Tony must have been at a very low point in his life at this time. I see he was only 55 years old when he died. Much the same eventually happened even to John Grimek who was himself left alone after Bob Hoffman passed away. Tony must have felt totally abandomed by Hoffman though and his final years pure hell.
:: 10/9/2017: Alan Holvey, Boulder Colo, USA I still remember purchasing a York Olympic bar from Tony in the early 1960's at the then small York shop in Los Angeles at the time. It was obviously a minor, low paying position offered to Tony at the time by York. Tont worked for many years for York by that time, and he got very little for all his loyal service to them with little return. That he died so young was a tragedy. In fact it must have been not too long with my meeting Tony to his death.
:: 6/21/2017: Ajax , , USA Typical depression era badass surviving on lard and bread trying to find work to take care of his family and still winning gold
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