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Next Stop Beijing @ Lift Up

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Next Stop Beijing


Review by Weightclass

This section of the Lift Up project offers customized previews of the upcoming Olympics weightlifting events at the 2004 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing. The previews are a complete compilation of both historical and current outlook of the weightlifting tournament in eacch class.

In the past 6 months, we've been contacted by various broadcast organizations, sports data companies and analytical services with requests to provide a forecast on the Olympic weightlifting in 2008. The beauty of Olympic competition is in its unpredictability. At Lift Up, we seldomly pretend to know the outcome of the upcoming events. However, by offering the most complete package on each weightclass to compete in Beijing, we try to provide the most educated guess on the lifting results to be expected at the 2008 Olympic tournament.

The Olympic weightlifting venue set results include the following information:

In order to review the 2008 forecast and detailed outline of the competitions, please select the weightclass in the form and then proceed with the reviews.
