Gerd Bonk

:: 9/9/2017: alanandréSHW, , france
R.I.P Gert Bonk. hes a great cleaner/jerker for eternity

:: 12/10/2015: Kevin St. John, Rochester NY, USA
I did not know until now that Bonk had passes away. I am sorry to see it. It was always entertaining to have another competitor in the supers with W. R. potential in the jerk. He was not quite as good in the snatch as Alexeev or he could have challenged for a title. He also had some pretty good longevity for lifters of that era. R.I.P..

:: 11/12/2014: lars, Berlin D, Deutschland
RIP † 20. Oktober 2014

:: 9/18/2008: Wolf Hasenmaier, Stuttgart BWG, Germany
Gerd Bonk broke Alexejev`s c&j wr 2 times, on the last occasion with an incredible-for then-254 kg. taht makes him one of the alltime greats. Not many took away records from the Rusian enigma. Bonk certainly made Alexejev occasionally humble.

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