Mohammad Jafar Salmasi
:: 1/2/2013: Joseph Caron, Iola Kansas, USA I met Salmassi (he went by one name) around 1980. I met him at a school where my wife taught ESL, He watched me train and he even wrote out a training program for me. He showed me his scrap book and we drank tea in my home. He was supposed to do well in England in 48 but being unaccostomed to the food or drink came down with an illness that prevented him from doing well in the snatch and clean and jerk. Tough. He also had a healing gift he called 'passing' which would occur when he would wave his arms in an up and down fashion over the patient. I believe he has also been a principal of a school. :: 8/24/2009: Farnam, Vancouver BC, Canada anybody has any video footage from Mohammad Jafar Salmasi in 1948 Olympic ? My Email Address is : :: 8/24/2009: Farnam, Vancouver BC, Canada anybody has any video footage from Mohammad Jafar Salmasi in 1948 Olympic ?
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