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Articles at Lift Up: Who In the World Has Ever Lifted Three Times Their Body Weight

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Who In the World Has Ever Lifted Three Times Their Body Weight?

by Arthur Chidlovski (2012)

On July 29, 2012, North Korea's Yun-Chol Om clean-and-jerked 168 kg in the 56 weightclass and joined the short list of the Olympic weightifters who managed to lift three times their bodyweight.

This historical review presents a study of those outstanding others that Yun-Chol Om joined competing at the 2012 Olympics in London. Only five athletes were able to join the Club 3x Body Weight Lifters in the official Olympic weightlifting competitions. The list of athletes of the list includes:

Club 3x Body Weight Lifters

  Athlete Nat. Class CJ Lift Date, Location
1. Stefan Topurov BUL Featherweight, 60KG 185.0KG 1984, Varna, Bulgaria
2. Neno TERZIYSKI BUL Bantamweight, 56KG 171.0KG 1987, Ostrava, Czechoslovakia
3. Naim SULEYMANOGLU TUR Featherweight, 60KG 190.0KG 1988, Seoul, South Korea
4. Angel GENCHEV BUL Lightweight, 67.5KG 202.5KG 1988, Seoul, South Korea
5. Halil MUTLU TUR Bantamweight, 56KG 168.0KG 2001, Trencin, Slovakia
6. Yun-Chol Om PRK Bantamweight, 56KG 168.0KG 2012, London, United Kingdom
7. Qingquan Long* CHN Bantamweight, 56KG 170.0KG 2016, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil


Stefan Topurov (Bulgaria) was the first man in the history of Olympic weightlifting to lift 3 times bodyweight. It happend at the WC-1983 in Moscow where Topurov cj'd 180 kg in the 60 kg weightclass. Later he also liffted 182.5 and 185 kg at the Druzhba Cup in Varna Bulgaria.

Naim Sulemanolglu cj'd legendary 190 kg competing the 60 kg weightclass at the 1988 Olympics in Seoul. Needless to say, it wasn't the first time when he lifted 3 times his bodyweight. First time he did it competing for Bulgaria when he lifted as Naim Suleymanov.

Naim lifted 3x his bodyweight on numerous occasions:

In the bantamweight (56KG)

In the featherweight (60KG)

No wonder, tiny and mighty Naim was nichnamed as "Pocket Hercules" by mass media. In 2001, his fellow Turkish athlete Halil Mutly also joined the club, when he succeded with the 168 kg clean-and-jerk at the European Championship in Trencin, Slovakia.

Competing at the 1988 Olympics, Angel Genchev cj'd a fantastic weight of 202.5 kg. He was the 4th man in the world to lift 3 times his body weight and he did it in the lightweight class (67.5 KG). However, later it was announced that he was disqualifies because of the usage of performance enhancing substance (furocemide).

And, finally, there is Yun-Chol Om from North Korea who lifted 168 kg for the gold in London, UK in the 56 kg weight category.

* Updated in 2019

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