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Lift Up Blog Articles in 2020

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Lift Up Blog Articles in 2020

This section of the site presents selected articles, interviews, presentations and research studies related to various aspects Olympic Weightlifting.

Lift Up: In Memoriam (2020) Olympic Team USA Weightlifting in Berlin, 1936, Phil Grippaldi (USA) Lifts at the 1972 Pre-Olympic Tournament in Ulm, Czechoslovakia 1,452.5 – Soviet Union 1,852.5 (1946), Club 500: Boris Selitsky (Russia, USSR), Trendafil Stoychev (Bulgaria) in Berlin, 1976, Kangasniemi: From October 1966 To October 1968, Karel Prohl: 19-Year Old Promise of Czech Weightlifting, Club 500: Karl Pumpurins (Latvia, USSR), Snatch Lifting by Jaakko Kailajarvi of Finland (1966), Hans Zdrazila: Moscow, 1964, Legendary Yury Vlasov Turns 85, Yakov Krinitsky Died at 90, Club 500: Nikolay Kozintsev (Ukraine, USSR), David Prowse (1935-2020), Yury Zakharevich Sets 6 World Records per Night (Dnepropetrovsk, 1982), Rising Stars of Olympic Weightlifting Train Outdoors in Shakhty, Russia, O Canada: Doug Hepburn and Dave Baillie (Vancouver, 1954), Yanko Rusev (Bulgaria): Big Night in Sofia in 1979, Jim Bradford (USA) Wins the Word Press Contest in Warsaw (1959), 1964 Olympians Ernesto Varona (Cuba) and Viktor Kurentsov (USSR) in Tokyo, Moscow Wins the 1946 USSR Team Championships, Team Canada and Miracle of Nature, Coaches and Athletes: Akop Faradzhan and Vartan Militosyan (Armenia, USSR), The Art of Self-Isolation Weightlifting Style: Lee James (USA), Vern Barberis (Australia): 1956 Summer Olympics in Melbourne, Alexander Pervy: 1960-1985, Pavel Syrchin (Russia, USSR): 1957-2020, Daniel Nunez (Cuba): 1st Career World Record in Snatch, Vladimir Belyaev: Olympic Press Lifting in Mexico City (1968), 20-year Old Yurik Vardanyan Wins His 1st National Title, Are You Ready for the 1980 Olympics in Moscow?, Rumen Teodosiev (Bulgaria) in Moscow (1983), Heavyweight Champions: Dnepropetrovsk (1949), 1956 Team USA in Melbourne, Rudolf Ismayr (Germany): Training Outdoors in 1936, David Rigert: Signature Appearance Before Setting a World Record (1974), Olympics, Weightlifting and Stamps: Centennial Edition from the Maldives, Atanas Shopov Competes for Bulgaria in Ulm, Germany, Yanko Rusev Wins Olympic Gold in Moscow (1980), Super Heavyweight Medalists in Lille, France (1981), Unsung Heroes: Gennady Petrov Wins the 1976 USSR Cup, 1969 World Championships: Medal Ceremony For the Super Heavyweights, 1979 Friendship Cup: Middleweights Intro, History in the Making: Gyozo Veres Wins Bronze in Rome (1960), 60 Years Ago: Kono and Kurynov in Rome (1960), Coaches and Athletes: Chuzhin and Kolotov, Epic Battle of Heavyweights in Tokyo (1964), Blagoy Blagoev (Bulgaria): 1980 Olympics in Moscow, U.S. Weightlifting Team at the I Pan American Games in Buenos Aires (1951), Vasily Mazheykov (USSR), 1948-2020, Rudolf Plukfelder: Gold Medal and World Record in Moscow (1959), John Davis (USA): The Last Time at the Worlds, Norbert Schemansky (USA): Training Session at the Dynamo Stadium (Moscow, 1963), Coaches and Athletes: Nechipurenko and Zaytsev, 1950 Team USSR Weightlifting in Paris, Yordan Mitkov (Bulgaria) at the 1975 World Championships in Moscow, Alexander Ayvazyan (USSR), 1954-2020, Gyorgy Rehus Uzor (Hungary), 1946-2020, Alexander Ayvazyan (USSR), 1954-2020, Gyorgy Rehus Uzor (Hungary), 1946-2020, David Rigert: The Legend of the Imperfect Era, Mohamad Arjomand Nasehi (Iran): 1972 Olympics in Munich, Sergey Lee (USSR) Wins the 1988 Friendship Cup in Tallinn, Russ Knipp (USA) at the 1972 Pre-Olympic Tournament in Germany, Victor Andreev (USSR): 1964 USSR Championships in Kiev, Aslanbek Yenaldiev: At the Introduction Ceremony in Vilnius (1975), Tommy Kono (USA) Sets World Records in Vienna, Antonio Krastev (Bulgaria, 1961-2020), Valery Shary: Training Camp in Dnepropetrovsk (1979), David Rigert: 1975 USSR Spartakiade in Vilnius, Happy 4th of July or U.S. Weightlifting Team On Its Way To Europe in 1954, Mladen Kuchev (Bulgaria): Ulm International in 1972, Naim Suleymanov: The 1st Time at the World Championships in 1983, Russ Knipp (USA): At the Ulm International in 1972, Jaakko Kailajarvi (Finland): At the 1971 Baltic Cup in Lubeck, Grigory Novak: Split Style Snatching in Helsinki (1952) Flyweight Winners in Ulm, Germany in 1972, Frank Rothwell Wins the Yorkshire Title in 1971, Pavel Pervushin: Two World Records in Tashkent (1973), 1952 Olympic Weightlifting Grand Finale at the Messuhalli Kaarlo Kangasniemi: Plus 20KG After the First 2 Lifts in Mexico City, Boris Pavlov: 1972 National Title and World Record in Tallinn, Yury Vlasov Sets a World Record in Moscow (1964), Nikolay Saxonov: 1952 Summer Olympics (Helsinki), Asen Zlatev (Bulgaria) Turns 60!, York, Pennsylvania: 1946 World Championships Team USA, Top 6 Super Heavyweights in 1967, 1980 USSR Championships: Super Heavyweight Medalists, Stepan Ulyanov: 1962 USSR Team Championships, Coaches and Athletes: Kemel and Pisarenko The Last of the Mohicans: 1991 USSR Championships Medalists in the 82.5kg Class Family Matters: Vladimir Lee at the 1967 USSR Spartakiade 60 Years Ago: Soviet Champions and the Capitoline Wolf in Rome (1960), Norbert Schemansky: At the Breaking Point in Helsinki (1952) Heroes of the Chrome Weights Epoch: Jaan Talts Valery Shary: Preparing for the Next Lift in Luzhniki, Tommy Kono: Strong in Moscow in 1961, 1922 World Champions in Tallinn, Estonia, 1970 Homecoming of the Champions: Back in the USSR 50 Years Ago, Alexander Popov: 1988 Friendship Cup in Tallinn, Gottfried Schödl (Austria), 1924-2020, Team France: Munich (1972), Petr Pavlasek: 1975 World Championships in Moscow, Alexander Bukharov: 1952 Summer Olympics in Helsinki, Rumen Rusev: World Record in Budapest (1972), Joe Di Pietro: Lifting Heavy in Paris (1949), David Rigert: Training in New Zealand (1975), Eino Makinen in Tallinn (1957), Norb Schemansky: 1952 Olympic Tryouts, Marian Zielinski: 1960 Summer Olympics in Rome, Vasily Alexeev: Big in London (1974), Rigoulot (1924), Nosseir (1928), Gennady Ivanchenko (USSR): Pressing Strong in 1971, Nikolay Laputin (USSR): 1947 European Championships in Helsinki, Schemansky vs. Zhabotinsky (Moscow, 1963), 1975 World Championships: Bantamweight Medalists, Lennart Dahlgren: This one is for you, Mother Sweden!, Lifting Happy in NYC: Dave Sheppard vs. Arkady Vorobyev in 1958, Athletes and Coaches: Viktor Perepelkin and Boris Severov (Estonia, USSR), 50 Years Ago: Vasily Alexeev Reaches the 600kg Milestone!, Mohammad Ami Tehrani (Iran), 1935-2020, Valentin Khristov (Bulgaria): Montreal, 1976, Boris Pavlov: USSR Spartakiade in 1971, Grigory Novak (USSR): Born to Press Heavy, Robert Kabbas (Australia) Turns 65, Yury Zaytsev: Montreal (1976), Arkady Vorobyev: Gold Medal in Kaunas, Lithuania, Isaac Berger (USA): 1959 World Championships in Warsaw, Vladimir Golovanov: Training for the Olympics in Tokyo, Anatoly Kozlov Turns 65, Anatoly Kozlov Turns 65, Ivan Veselinov: The Lionheart of Bulgarian Weightlifting, Karl Pumpurins (USSR, Latvia): Before the Lift, Louis Martin (Great Britain): Winning the 1st World Title in Warsaw (1959), Leonid Zhabotinsky: Training Session in Mexico City (1967), Yury Kozin (USSR, Russia): 1971 USSR Spartakiade, Peter George (USA): What to Do in Munich During the Octoberfest 1955?, Masashi Ohuchi (Japan): World Record in Warsaw, 1969, Super Heavyweight Champions in Lima, 1971, Dzhamal Panakhov (1954-2020), Vasily Kolotov: Hunting For a World Record In Ulm, Unsung Heroes: Yury Rascheskin (USSR, Uzbekistan), Vyacheslav Klokov (USSR): The Night of Four World Records, Stan Stanczyk (USA) Wins His 3rd World Title In Scheveningen, Evgeny Minaev: 1967 USSR Spartakiade, Weightlifting Americana: Ike Berger at the Venice Beach, Valery Yakubovsky: 1971 USSR Spartakiade, Anatoly Kozlov: Preparing for the Lift in 1975, 1972 Summer Olympics: And the Heavyweight Winners Are..., Unsung Heroes: Valentin Kuzmin (USSR, Russia), Happy Birthday to Brian Strange of Great Britain!, Once Upon a Time in Los Angeles, Fedor Bogdanovsky (USSR): Split-Style Snatching in Stockholm, 1958, Group Hug of the Heavyweights (1961), 1972 Summer Olympics: And the Middleweight Winners Are..., Viktor Kurentsov (USSR): Preparing For the Press Lift, Fasten Your Seatbelts, We Are About to Fly To Russia (1955), Rafael Chimishkyan: Vienna, 1954, Olympic Medalists in the 90kg Class Salute to Montreal (1976), Karel Saitl (Czechia), 1924-2020, Anatoly Pisarenko: 1978 National Championships in Kiev, Remembering Vasily Alexeev (1942-2011), Valerios Leonidis (Greece, Russia), Close-Up: Norbert Schemansky (USA), Abdul Wahid Aziz (Iraq), Lift Up: In Memoriam (2019), and more at LiftUp @ Chidlovski Blog Chidlovski

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